A respirator is a device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous atmospheres, including fumes, vapors, gases and particulate matter such as dust and airborne microorganisms

Half mask respirator single or double cartridge, with soft durable pliable rubber face piece, durable elastic head bands, deep chin cup for a roomy comfortable seal and easy exhaling

Scotchgard™ Protector – Facepiece Lens, Paint and stain-resistant
lens, 3M’s exclusive Scotchgard Protector causes some liquids and paints to bead up on the surface so they can be wiped off easily. Helps the lens stay clearer during many spray applications, which allows the worker to spray longer and can enhance productivity.

Giving you assurance that the air you and your employees are breathing is safe

The Junior B airhood is build using a very flexible lightweight polyurethane cape which covers the head and shoulders. Disposable visors, fitted
over the hoods main visor, protects the visor against damage and/or splashes. The head band is equipped with an exchangeable sweat band and can be adjusted in width and height, for maximum comfort.